Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Commanding Destiny

So here we are! We made it to June….the “half way point”. Half way to what, I’m not sure….but we made it. :0)

As I look back over the past 6 months, I can’t help but evaluate where I am relative to where I’m going. It’s impossible to measure, really, because I don’t know all that God has in store. But I know what He’s put in front of me to do right now….and I think it’s just part of His grand design that my headlights only show me a few yards ahead. As I walk in the way God is directing me, trust that His hand is pulling me along, and commit each and every step to His purpose (there’s that word again), I find that my destiny is completely and totally wrapped up in His leading. And what a miracle it is that in this life committed to Him, my destiny and purpose are not defined by my past mistakes and failings…a true testimony to the grace and redemption of Christ. Furthermore, His plan and purpose for my life is not contingent upon my ability – in my own strength, but what He has and is equipping me to do thru Him. Making myself AVAILABLE to do His will, and not leaning to my own ABILITY and understanding is the only prerequisite to God’s direction. We have all heard and quoted at some point Proverbs 3:5-6, but I love the way The Message interprets it:

5 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. 6 Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track.

It amazes me how so often in scripture God doing something for me requires nothing more than my TRUSTING IN HIM. Trusting in HIM….the God of the Universe. The one who see’s the beginning and the end…not to mention the “half way point”. I am held and kept by the only one who sees the big picture. It reminds me of the final verse of the song IN CHRIST ALONE where it says:

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny

WHAT A RELIEF! Jesus commands my destiny….not my family…or my boss….or my past. JESUS…and He knows everything about me, and loves me still. What an amazing and beautiful thought!


Anonymous said...

as i sit and read over the poetic versus that stair at me from my screen, i continue to notice a few things a] that you should preach some day b] i am more that grateful that you choose to speak into my life and c] these words -trust-commit-available-ability-trusting in Him-in Christ alone-Jesus- stand out everywhere. and this is what i receive from your words...

that if i/we will TRUST Him with our lives, COMMIT to follow His purpose, and be AVAILABLE at all times, then simply TRUSTING IN HIM - in CHRIST alone...Jesus - is all the ABILITY we should ever need.

i love you.

mr.rickcampbell said...

Webster defines trust as - assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something. One in which confidence is placed. Yes I would say we are in Good Hands... The little Webster is really smart. Whatever happened to him???