Monday, April 7, 2008

Starting Again... can't really believe I'm actually doing this. After all these years, I've finally figured out that the calling of God on my life is TRULY irrevocable, or as The Message puts it:

"God's gifts and God's call are under full warranty - never canceled, never rescinded." ~Romans 11:29~
It doesn't just NEVER leaves. No matter how much you try to ignore it or minimize it or pretend you're too old, or not "relevant" enough - whatever that means - it just sticks with you. Tommy Barnett said in a sermon I watched recently (thank you Kari Jobe) "A delay [in your ministry] is not a denial". I believe that for my ministry…it’s time to get to the DOING.

And at the close of this VERY difficult weekend when someone I loved very much but not nearly enough (
Vanessa Whitwell) went home to be with Jesus, I've learned a little something new about myself. The truth is that I REALLY love people and genuinely hurt for them when they are sad. I was reminded thru this tragedy that all sorts of people need Jesus – Christians and Non-Christians alike. And as many different ways as we can present the good news that Jesus loves them and wants to bring them peace and calm their hurting hearts, the better off we all will be. It’s not that I didn’t think I loved people before, I just didn’t realize to what extent. But God has a way of allowing His purpose for our lives to shine forth even in the midst of chaos and confusion. As the song says - "He is sovereign still" (None But Jesus - Brooke Frasier)

And so I come to this new chapter of my life armed with an irrefutable calling and a tender reminder of how much God loves us. He really does love us you know...deeper and more perfectly than we could EVER imagine. And how much more reason do we need to WORSHIP Him with everything we’ve got…after all it’s what we were created to do!

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doggy steps


randylcox said...

I couldn't agree with you more on all your points. I look forward to receiving more of these and I'm excited to see what all God has planned for you. PURPOSE, PURPOSE, PURPOSE!


kimber said...

well this is fun! I have a blogspot too, but it's just for English Class so if you feel like reading what I have to say about certain things I'm required to read then have at it. :)

I'm excited about this new chapter in your life! It's going to funderful!!

love you!

Leah said...

WHOA GIRL, seriously! You are speaking my language right now! Vanessa's passing has been a BIG wake-up call for me too and God is really using it to speak to me.

Well said: "It doesn't just NEVER leaves. No matter how much you try to IGNORE it or minimize it or pretend you're too old, or not "relevant" enough - whatever that means - it just sticks with you."

I constantly allow myself to altogether ignore my calling by getting distracted by all kinds of stuff and by life in general.

I would love to get together sometime and discuss these epiphanies we're having and keep each other accountable to the calling God has placed on us as worshipers!

Love you girl,
Leah :)

amber said...

I am amazed at all that God is doing in your life. And I am honored to see it first hand. It's like Kim Walker says...once you've been truly changed by the love of Jesus, you'll never be the same...i am completely stoked to see where He takes you.

I love you so much.

Blair said...

Hey pud'n! lol Sounds like a great thing. I'm always so proud of you and all that you do.

Here's what your blog made me think about...

The first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism (ca. 1640) is "Q: What is the chief end of man?" The answer couldn't be more straight forward - "A: Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever." (There I go getting all orthodox on your a_ _! Sorry. ;-) ha

Anyway, in a world where the questions du jour seem to be, "What is our purpose? What is our goal? Why do we exist in the first place?" there seems to be no shortage of pundits, posers, and preachers willing to run into the fray with the next best selling 300 page book; all of it just fluff surrounding a one sentence answer that was summarized by people of faith almost 400 years ago: our "chief end (i.e. ultimate purpose) is to glorify God, and enjoy God. Forever."

My point is (as if I ever actually have one!), as Peter says in 4:7-10, everyone should use the gifts that God has given them, "as good stewards of God's varied grace" (v10).

Cristie... (now this is your big brother talking!) The gifts that God has given you are amazing. I have been in worship with all kinds of people, all kinds of leaders, and all sorts of settings, for a long time. Very few leaders exercise the ability to connect to the Father as you do. And fewer still have the ability (dare I say, 'desire?') to bring others with them. As you pursue this calling there will be people who will see/hear your gifts and they will want to glorify you. (People are funny that way!) Always point them toward the Giver... and they will learn to glorify him. And they will learn to enjoy him. And a really amazing thing is that people who yesterday didn't know the answer to the question will begin, today, to LIVE the answer to the question. Forever! Holy crap that's amazing! -- (Segue to God's grace ;-)

God's grace is a multifaceted thing. As Paul says, there is one Spirit, but a diversity of gifts (1 Cor 12). Whatever gifts God has given you--and Cristie they are indeed many!--use them to glorify Him. It is your highest purpose. It is OUR highest purpose.

I love you and I'm proud of you!

Peg Kennedy said...

First of all, I am so sorry for your loss. Is there anything I can do for you?
Then, I'm not at all surprised at your urgency that NOW is the time to take action. Anything that happens to us, either good or bad, easy or difficult, brings us closer to the heart of God and to the calling on our lives. You've been on this journey a long time and you're coming into your own. The Church, THE Church is coming together as never before, coming into perfection and people are coming together walking in their gifts and callings -- working side by side for the sake of the harvest. Every step you've taken has brought you to this place.
Everything that Blair said is amazing and I agree totally with him. He is obviously brrrill.
Move forward in Jesus and in joy. It's all about HIM.
I love you and am proud of you too,

Adrianne said...

The first time I heard you sing....I wept as I felt the strong anointing of God. He truly has blessed the world with your voice. Use it for His glory and others will be brought to tears as God touches their spirit. Hearts will be mended and lives changed by the GIFT God has given you to share with the world.

I am so proud to call you daughter.

Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

I love you! You are a blessing in my life. In lots of people's lives. You know, seeing the immense amount of lives that Vanesssa touched made me stop and think how many people would be there if, God forbid, something happened to me. Then it made me think, maybe I have touched a ton of people, but has it all been in a good way? I mean, we know my voice carries... so a lot of people "know" me. But do they "know my heart?" Do they really "see" me? And if they don't, I need to take that as confirmation that it's also time for me to step it up as a believer and begin to walk into my calling also. Someone once said to me "God can't direct you if your standing still; but if you just begin to walk, even if it's in the wrong direction, He can turn you around and guide your every step into His divine path for your life." ~Lindsey Pino. I sometimes have no idea what I am doing, or where I am walking, but I am not known for just standing there. The past 2 months my life has been a testimony of making the FINAL decision to walk in excellence. And that by no means says I am "perfect." It just meant I am walking, and I am not settling for mediocracy. I may sometimes make a wrong turn, but I will retrace my steps until I get it right. I know one thing for sure... (and again, God forbid) If something ever happened to you... there would be thousands to stand in your honor also. Because even though you haven't begun to see the fruition in it's enormous measure of your call, your walk for your whole life, the trials you have overcome, some with grace, some... not so much... have been a testimony to "walking". You don't stop walking EVER! You are amazing, and God DOES have more for you. I will be by your side for every step, and if you go one way and I go another, I know we have each other to yank each others frizzy hair back into the right path.

I love you, and I think Vanessa would be so proud of you. She would have loved your bling and your great hair today also! And I know she would have loved to hear you sing. As would we all.


Elena said... are doing it!! I can't wait to see all that God has in store for you. So many BLESSING and all the lives you are going to touch. Jeremiah 29:11

I love you!!

mr.rickcampbell said...

Being part of the preparation is a priveledge, being part of the future is a miracle and being by your side each day is my greatest joy. I love you Cristie Campbell!!!
Romans 8:28...